Collectorcorps: Deadpool

This month I got the joy of having both Collector Corps and my Loot Crate arrive at the same time. For both of them the theme was related to Deadpool for obvious reasons.
The Box
The collector corps team followed their usual design of a character on top with comic panels on the inside. It's definitely eye-catching and right for the brand but it's starting to get a little boring.
What isn't getting boring is the marketing behind the box in teaser videos like the one below.
It perfectly brings to life the box and POP that would be included inside.
The contents
Inside as usual the contents awaited with a slight twist which I wouldn't know about without looking at my friends box. The t-shirt comes in 4 different designs which shows that the Collector Corps team are thinking of ways to personalise the boxes for their subscribers.
I got the x-force version.
Also included were the usual pin and badge, a deadpool comic and 2 figures.
One a surprisingly sinister Dorbz figure of deadpool complete with unicorn. I'm tempted to paint blood on the unicorn so it looks even more sinister...
The other figure is Deadpool POP in mid-jump.
There was a deadpool plush. While the contents were interesting they paled in comparisons to Loot Crates loot and presentation of the loot.
Unfortunately I have to say that Loot Crate wins this battle...
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