Reception of Mike Wazowski

My last post was all about making Mike but how it was received by people was the real surprise. If you know me in real life I'm an unassuming guy who likes to keep to himself mostly, head down and gets on with what needs to be done. I don't like attention (I love it really). Halloween and any time I'm in a costume is the only real exception to this. It's kind of like normal clothes are my costume and the costumes are my skin. It's odd...
Anyway...I wore two costumes to work (one to work in and Mike) for the annual Halloween competition which everyone I take very seriously. There were the usual ghouls, skeletons and werewolves, then there was me the weirdo who brought a giant eyeball, teddybear and some slightly damp underwear - I dirtied up the underwear in chocolate drink but didn't have time to dry it.
Strangely people liked it. Well most people...I managed to make two girls scream (which is exactly the reaction that I wanted) so my Halloween was pretty much complete then. But I also won the competition on my floor for best costume! (Woo) But actually completing it was enough for me really (plus the prize barely touched the cost to make it). As usual Halloween tradition we went out in costume for a drink at a pub so I just had to have the obligatory shot with a pint of Guinness.
Pulled it off...
Annnd I thought that would be it. I of course posted on Instagram & Twitter on the day and the morning after trying to get the artist Dan Luvisi to see it and maybe Frank Ippolito to see it. Didn't think they would but what was the harm in trying.
Well guess what...Dan Luvisi saw it, not only that he liked it!! He even posted the picture to his own Instagram which is beyond awesome and more than I could have asked for.
It's almost got 3000 likes!!
However this wasn't all...another instagrammer Blerd.Vision was gracious enough to have me as their Halloween feature.
But the cherry on the cake was getting retweeted by the man who voiced the infamous character. Billy Crystal...
Needless to say I'm shocked by how well Mike has been received and incredibly humbled that it was so well liked. I'm planning to add a little to it and take it to MCM Birmingham in a few weeks but then I have the issue of where to store it long term.
But this has to be one of the best moments of my life so I had to immortalise it in a blog post.
Hopefully I'll continue to build crazy things like this in the future, probably not to this much hullabaloo but one can hope...
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